Industry Supported Session
Gliomas are aggressive primary brain tumors and despite advances in treatment, prognostic remains poor. This course will review the new literature on the extent of resection and the impact on survival as well as other outcomes. The concept of (supra)maximal safe resection and new classification for the extent of resections will also be discussed. The new techniques, such as fluorescence-guided surgery, which complement other existing surgical tools allowing a higher degree of resection will also be reviewed. The American experience with these new techniques and perspective on how they fit with the other tools already available to maximize safe resection of brain tumors will be discussed.
This program was developed by the CNSF and Medexus and was planned to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity and balance. It is an unaccredited learning activity and not eligible for MOC credits.
Faculty: Dhany Charest
Faculty: Moujahed Labidi
Faculty: Randy D’Amico
Faculty: Dhany Charest
Faculty: Moujahed Labidi
Faculty: Randy D’Amico