Industry Supported Session
This course will highlight the importance of early diagnosis in Alzheimer’s disease and the latest assessments to identify key factors that contribute to disease identification and progression. The speakers will appraise the efficacy and safety of disease modifying therapies (DMTs) and their role in slowing disease progression. This course will also explore management and monitoring strategies for disease modifying therapies, particularly imaging, to optimize patient outcomes and safety.
This program was developed by the CNSF and Eisai and was planned to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity and balance. It is an unaccredited learning activity and not eligible for MOC credits.
Faculty: Alexandre Henri-Bhargava
Faculty: Alexandre Henri-Bhargava
Faculty: Andrew Frank
Faculty: Manish Joshi
Faculty: Alexandre Henri-Bhargava
Faculty: Andrew Frank
Faculty: Manish Joshi
Faculty: Alexandre Henri-Bhargava